Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dudhpokhari(Milky Lake)

                Dudhpokhari(Milky Lake) & Namun La pass(5560m)

Dudhpokhari( Milky Lake) situated   on the  border of  Lamjung, Manang and Kaski districts of Nepal is at an  altitude of  around (5300m) above the sea  level.  Legend  has it  that some  three   thousand  years ago the  Tamu community now Gurung community of  Nepal entered this area from Tibet via Namun Bhanjang  Pass and made their settlement   here. Therefore this place  is also  known  as  Tamuwan. The Tamu  community  had their own King in the olden   days; you   can see   remains of   their Palace till   now. During   the  Janai   Purnima    (sacred  Thread  Ceremony)   thousands  of pilgrimage and visitorvisit  this   place for  holy worship.  Hindus  worship this  place  as a  site for  Holy  Pilgrimage and  a  lot  of devotees take  this place as the gateway to heaven. There is  a strong  belief that if you  take a bath   in  this  Dudhpokhari  (Milky Lake)  there  times  then  all your  sins committed  in  this  lifetime  get  purified. Therefore  this  place  is  rich in Culture,   Nature,  and  has  a good  geographical  importance  and  other attractions.

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